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If you are a non-profit organization or planning an event for a military organization, you must either contact the Parks and Recreation Office at 912-652-6780 or stop by 101 John J. Scott Drive (Memorial Stadium), Savannah, GA to make reservations. Online reservation services are not available for non-profit organizations or groups planning an event for a military organization

Before beginning the reservation process, please read the following:

  1. All reservations are made on a first come, first serve basis.
  2. Payment of all fees associated with rentals are due in full at the time the reservation is made.
  3. All online reservations must be made by credit/debit card. Personal checks will only be accepted from Chatham County residents and at a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to a booking.
  4. Set-up and clean-up activities are considered to be included in the total rental time requested.
  5. NO COOKING at any indoor facilities or Walter Parker Pier and Pavilion (Tybee Pier and Pavilion).
  6. The use of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited at all Chatham County facilities, with the exception of the Tybee Pier and Pavilion (Walter Parker Pier and Pavilion).
  7. A refundable cleaning deposit of $100 (cash only) is required at Frank Murray Community Center, Lake Mayer Community Center, L. Scott Stell, and Tom Triplett Community Center. The deposit is paid to staff upon arrival to the facility and refunded at the conclusion of the event, after staff has checked to assure the facility was left in the same condition as the onset of the rental.
  8. Only Painter's tape is allowed for hanging decorations.
  9. The Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to review all rental permits for security or other modifications. If you have reserved your event as a non-profit event, and it is determined that your rental is not being utilized for your stated non-profit, additional payment will be requested on site, or your event will be limited to the amount of time paid for at the posted hourly rate.
    No 'profited' events are allowed at any Chatham County facilities (e.g. food trucks, pop-up shops, etc.)
  10. Amusement space must be purchased for amusement equipment (e.g. bounce houses) prior to the rental date. Generators must be furnished for all amusement equipment.
  11. If additional time or use of amusement space is needed after a reservation is made, that time MUST be added no less than 1 WEEK PRIOR to your event. Please be advised that this time may or may not be permitted. The earlier the additional time is requested, the better chance you will have of this time being permissible.
  12. Refund Policies:
  1. The closer to the actual reservation date a cancellation is made, the less likely it is that the County will be able to re-rent the facility for another event or to another Permit Holder. Therefore, reservations should be made with the understanding that only in extraordinary cases will reservation permit refunds be considered.
  2. All refund requests must be submitted in writing. The correspondence should state the reason for the cancellation, along with any requested documentation.
  3. Written requests for a refund made prior to six (6) months of the event, 100% of the rental fee will be refunded. Written requests for a refund made prior to three (3) months of the event, 50% of the rental fee will be refunded. Written requests for a refund made less than three (3) months of the event, none of the rental fee will be refunded. No refunds given after scheduled events.
  4. Any reservation permitted event or activity at a County recreational facility that is canceled at the discretion of the Chatham County Parks and Recreation Department shall be entitled to a full refund of any fees paid without the requirement for a written refund request.

Chatham County Parks and Recreation Administrative Offices are open Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, and can be contacted by calling (912) 652-6780. Emergency after-hour contact (912) 433-5900.

Said organization/individual agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Chatham County from all claims, demands, actions, or causes of bodily action or bodily injury or property damage arising from the use of said facilities.